Projects & Studies

Projects & Studies

4 results available.


The eSESH project started in March 2010 and addresses the need to reduce energy consumption in European social housing by a very significant amount to meet overall emission reduction targets. …


INNO-Grips was about supporting policy makers in adopting appropriate policy responses to emerging innovation needs, trends and phenomena. INNO-Grips studies analysed framework conditions, barriers and drivers to innovation and innovation …


Smart Personal Health is a European Commission support action to promote awareness about issues and challenges of interoperability among personal health systems (PHS) and to other eHealth systems. The project …

e-Skills NL 2

empirica had been asked by the Dutch government to carry out research about how supply and demand for people with e-skills will develop in the next five years in the …

RIA eHealth Switzerland

The electronic patient record is a core pillar of the eHealth Strategy Switzerland. By digitally supporting treatment processes the record aims to improve quality and efficiency of healthcare. Costs and …

NMS Physiome

NMS Physiome is a Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) cooperation of the worldwide largest research projects focusing on simulating the musculoskeletal apparatus, the Osteoporotic Virtual Physiological Human (VPHOP) integrated project, with …


The study will perform an evaluation of the implementation of the Communication on “e-Skills for the 21st Century”. The main objectives of the service contract are specified as: evaluating the …

Telework Sparkasse

VOE for special groups


The study was about an analysis of four different types of social services of general interest in 22 EU/EFTA/EEA countries: child-care, social housing, long-term care and employment services. The main …


Healthcare is facing increasing quality and resource challenges and telemedicine is often regarded as part of the solution. Numerous pilots are underway, but will these telemedicine services really make healthcare …


The overall goal of the EU-USA ARGOS eHealth Pilot Project is to contribute to establishing a “Transatlantic Observatory for Meeting Global Health Policy Challenges through ICT-Enabled Solutions” in order to …