Projects & Studies

Projects & Studies


The general goal of this service contract was to monitor key indicators and scenarios on the supply and the demand of e-skills and to benchmark national policy initiatives and multi-stakeholder …

e-Skills Policies

The general goal of the study “Monitoring and Benchmarking e-Skills Policies and Partnerships” is to monitor key indicators and scenarios on the supply and the demand of e-skills and to …

R&I efficiency

The strategic objective of the services to be provided in this study are to support policy-makers in designing policies for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of R&I systems at regional, …

High-growth enterprises

The European Commission considers entrepreneurship and innovation as a key to growth, employment and wellbeing in Europe. However, the Commission sees considerable deficits related to entrepreneurship and innovation in Europe, …


The main goal of the PALANTE project is to empower patients allowing them to make informed decisions about their health and take an active role in their care and collaborate …


In SMARTSPACES, ICT-based services for public buildings have been evaluated in 11 pilots in 8 countries across Europe. Almost 600 buildings were equipped with the ICT-solution. The services are designed …


The objective of the QUALITY study issued by the European Commission is to develop quality labels for industry-based training and certification which at the same time are compatible with the …


The Directorate General Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission has asked empirica to provide sound, unbiased empirical evidence how the supply and demand for different types of ICT-related skills …


eeMeasure is a software tool developed for the European Commission, which enables social housing organisations and municipalities to quickly evaluate their energy policies. Available online since January 2012, eeMeasure allows …


DISCIPULUS aims at the grand challenge of the “Digital VPH Patient”. The Digital Patient initiative will develop new ways of combining this rich patient information space into a highly visual, …

X-border ePrescription

The European Union Directive on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare(DIRECTIVE 2011/24/EU) stipulates in Article 11 the “Recognition of prescriptions issued in another Member State” for dispensation in …

eHealth Innovation

eHealth Innovation (eHI) is an EU-funded Thematic Network (TN) working to develop consensus among stakeholders on required actions to further the deployment of more personalised eHealth services across Europe. Its …