Projects & Studies

Projects & Studies


The SEN@ER – Silver Economy Network of European Regions is a joint initiative of European regions initiated by the region of North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany). This European initiative regards the ageing …

Demographic Change

The aim of this study was to identify clearly the potentials and opportunities created by the rapid progress in information and communication technologies (ICTs) with respect to meeting the challenges …


Technology-based services which allow older people to live independently are widely recognised as opportunities for citizens and the ageing society in general. Government policies to support older citizens in living …


Eine neue Generation von vernetzten Arbeitsumgebungen (NWEs), basierend auf fortgeschrittene Breitbandinfrastruktur sowie allgegenwärtige Computertechnologie (“ambient computing”), ist im Entstehen begriffen. Es wird erwartet, dass sich im Zuge der Einführung solcher …


Together with the University of Tampere (Finland) and Synergia (Italy), empirica together with Versicherungsverbund “Die Continentale” , Deutsche Bank and SAP has started the Active@Work project on 1 November 2004. …


Die Studie wird von Deloitte Business Advisory NV/SA, Belgien, in Kooperation mit empirica durchgeführt. Sie verleiht der Europäischen Kommission und ENISA einen überblick über Fortschritte der EU-25 Mitgliedsstaaten und der …


In diesem Projekt wird der Methodenbericht der o.g. Befragung der nationalen statistischen ämter in den EU-Mitgliedsländern aus dem Jahr 2003, die von EUROSTAT koordiniert wurde, erstellt. Zusätzlich werden die Befragungsaktivitäten …


The social housing sector has the potential to gain enormously from trans-European telecommunications networks and applications, and in doing so radically to improve the quality of provision of housing to …


In addressing “eInclusion and eAccessibility” issues, this study will provide scientific support to a key policy objective of the European Union – that of ensuring that every citizen has the …


eUSER supports the IST programme to achieve its key objectives to put the user and his/her needs at the centre of IST developments. It provides empirical information on key public …


The MobilAlarm project tested an innovative, location-independent alarm and teleassistance service which enables older people, chronically ill, and other persons at risk to initiate an alarm call whenever and wherever …

SEC 2005

As a result of the initiative of the government of North Rhine-Westphalia the topic “Silver Economy in Europe” was addressed at a conference which attracted more than 600 participants from …