Projects & Studies

Projects & Studies

eSkills Policies

The study launched by the European Commission DG Enterprise and Industry in late 2006 has identified multi-stakeholder partnerships for e-skills development and related policies using a network of National Correspondents …


The European Commission, like the National Science Foundation in the US and other organisations at national level, has funded the development of e-Infrastructures. Some communities in the sciences such as …


The issues of funding, mobility and employment of young researchers are important policy priorities for the European Research Area (ERA). This contribution by empirica, FHNW (CH) and University Wolverhampton (UK), …


The semantic aspects of interoperability have only recently been recognised as the major enabling factor for the safe and sensible communication of patient data. Health language is very large and …


The recent emergence of Grid technology opens new perspectives to enable interdisciplinary research and technology development at the cross roads of medical informatics, bioinformatics and system biology impacting healthcare. The …


This study, carried out by empirica together with DIW (Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung), will contribute to proper understanding of the concepts of trust and confidence, the role consumer trust and …


empirica together with TNS Emor, Tallinn (Estonia) as a survey organisation will obtain through teacher and head teacher surveys estimates for the indicator on e-learning “number of pupils per computer …

WING eInclusion study

The European Commission, Directorate General Information Society and Media (DG INFSO), has issued a framework contract for the analysis of impacts yielded by RTD projects funded under its Fifth Framework …


NewGlobal explores the drivers, success factors and impacts of ICT rich collaborative working environments that stretch across the borders of countries. Impact categories analysed include employee self-organisation, nurturing of human …



eAccessbility is commonly understood as a means to ensure that Information and Communication Technology products and services meet the requirements of people with disabilities. Accessible ICTs will improve the quality …

Good eHealth

Despite the relatively slow implementation of eHealth in Europe, many eHealth developments have nevertheless been successfully implemented. These implementations constitute a source of valuable experience and of examples of good …