Projects & Studies

Projects & Studies

ICT & Ageing

The main goal of the ICT+Ageing study is to identify and understand the market barriers which currently hinder uptake of ICT for independent living and active ageing in Europe. The …


This study for the European Commission will make a substantial contribution towards accelerating the implementation of the European eHealth Action Plan. Specifically, the study will actively support ongoing initiatives and …

Social Impact ICT

The objective of the study is to explore, document and analyse how ICT impacts on the daily lives of citizens of Europe, and on society at large. The analysis should …

e-Skills Executive Briefings

SeniorWatch II

The SeniorWatch II study is aimed at assessing and measuring changes in the ICT market for older people, which occurred since 2002 when the first SeniorWatch study was conducted, and …


Mobility of people is increasing, products and services can be bought in another Member State when the need arises, but obtaining healthcare outside their residence country is still problematic for …

Financing eHealth

Realising that financing is potentially a powerful inhibitor to effective eHealth diffusion, the EC’s Directorate General Information Society and Media commissioned a study on “assessment of financing opportunities to support …


In this study for the European Commission DG INFSO and Media a survey of almost 6,000 primary care physicians on their use of ICT and internet for communication with patients …


Ausgehend von der Vision eines am Patienten orientierten Gesundheitssystems entwickelt Empirica Szenarien IKT-gestützter Gesundheitsmodelle, die auf kosteneffizienten Gesundheitstechnologien basieren. Dabei verbindet Empirica seine Erfahrung in der Evaluation von Informations- und …

SME policies

This study aims to identify policy initiatives supporting e-business activities of small and medium enterprises at a sectoral level in the member states of the European Union and selected other …


SOPRANO is the acronym for “Service Oriented PRogrammable smArt enviroNments for Older Europeans”. SOPRANO will design and develop highly innovative, context-aware, smart services with natural and comfortable interfaces for older …


The SAVE@Work4Homes project aims to achieve a very significant reduction in energy consumption in social housing across Europe, across all types of existing building and across all tenant groups, by …