Projects & Studies

Projects & Studies

eHealth Benchmarking

This is the second study in a series of three linked studies to develop eHealth benchmarking at European level. The study will cover all 27 EU Member States plus Norway …

Social Impact ICT

The objective of the study is to explore, document and analyse how ICT impacts on the daily lives of citizens of Europe, and on society at large. The analysis should …

e-Skills Executive Briefings

e.Skills Country Profiles

e-Skills Executive Briefings

e-Skills NL

The project developed a forecasting of e-Skills demand and supply for the Netherlands. It supplements and is based in its approach on a previous analysis carried out for the EU …

e-Skills country profiles

In this project for Cisco empirica developed Country Briefs on competitiveness, innovation and ICT skills for many European countries in the format of Executive Briefings.

e-Skills statistics

In this project for Cisco empirica developed education statistics and compiled related data for market intelligence purposes relating to all European countries and beyond.


In 2004, Europeans made approximately 180 million trips of four nights or more outside their own country. Ensuring their access to seamless and safe healthcare has become a top priority …


EU FP7 Large-scale integrating project: develop a multiscale modelling technology based on conventional diagnostic imaging methods that makes it possible, in a clinical setting, to predict for each patient the …


EU FP7 Large-scale integrating project: Based on advanced text, image and structured data mining of about 3m individual patient data from various hospitals new knowledge and decision support will be …


EU FP7 Large-scale integrating project: An advanced telemonitoring approach will be developed to close the loop between patients and professionals, giving appropriate access to monitoring, diagnosis and treatment results and …