Citizen's Access to Networks & Services

Research & Innovation Policy








Total Budget
0 M


CANS demonstrated viable uses of multimedia telematics for supporting marginalised citizens (migrants) across the EU. It developed a remote mediated service model that allows a local authority or other service organisation to better support citizens in a more accessible, efficient and effective manner locally, nationally and internationally. Focus was given to developing a Service Model consistent with Design-for-All principles for target user groups who have particularly demanding and urgent communication and service requirements. These are migrant citizens, disabled citizens and elderly citizens for whom CANS linked service provider experts in different member states and provided applications such as interpretation, advice and training. Direct human support (via videotelephony) was supplemented with integrated database information support where necessary (e.g., via Internet) to combine the benefits of human contact with remote access. The technical solutions include H.320 videotelephony on Euro-ISDN networks. The project brought together service providers, telecommunication suppliers and specialist support partners to identify the target user and service organisation requirements, install the necessary applications and perform the demonstrations. The activities focused on practical verification, impact analyses and strategies for exploitation based on feedback from users and service providers. Seven Telematics Applications Sites (TASs) were implemented and inter-linked by Euro-ISDN to facilitate better communication between service providers, their clients and support professionals. Key Project Participants included Alcatel SEL (DE), London Borough of Camden(GB), Stad Kortrijk (BE), City of Joensuu (FI), North Western Health Board (IE), Stichting Instituut voor Doven (NL), Faculdada de Motricidada Humana (PT), empirica GmbH (DE), Portugal Telecom (PT)
