Projects & Studies

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The recent emergence of Grid technology opens new perspectives to enable interdisciplinary research and technology development at the cross roads of medical informatics, bioinformatics and system biology impacting healthcare. The …


TRANSFORM erforscht territoriale “Innovations-Kulturen” und ihren Einfluss auf den Erfolg von Regionen in der Wissensgesellschaft. Hierbei geht es insbesondere um die Fragestellung, welche Faktoren einige Regionen in die Lage versetzen, …

WING eInclusion study

The European Commission, Directorate General Information Society and Media (DG INFSO), has issued a framework contract for the analysis of impacts yielded by RTD projects funded under its Fifth Framework …

e-Health ERA

Ziel des Projektes eHealth ERA ist es, die Planung nationaler innovationsausgerichteter Forschung und Entwicklung (F&E) im Bereich elektronischer Gesundheitsdienste (“eHealth”) zu koordinieren. Das Projekt soll dazu beitragen, eine Basis für …


EPRI-start stimuliert, erhöht und qualifiziert die Teilnahme von KMUs aus den neuen EU-Mitgliedsstaaten im EU TIG Programm, welches von der Generaldirektion Informationsgesellschaft der europäischen Kommission koordiniert wird. Das Projekt zielt …


Currently various Member States (MS) are launching initiatives to introduce e-health infrastructures and applications. They are dealing with critical issues of technical, semantic and workflow interoperability almost exclusively at the …


The Joint Report on Social Inclusion, based on an analysis of the 2003/2005 National Action Plans on poverty and social exclusion, identified the impact of the rapid growth of the …


Population ageing will have significant socio-economic implications that will challenge the European model of social welfare and protection. The concerns are justified, but at the same time demographic change could …

Demographic Change

The aim of this study was to identify clearly the potentials and opportunities created by the rapid progress in information and communication technologies (ICTs) with respect to meeting the challenges …

e-BSN Impacts

Learning from each other: The e-Business Support Network (e-BSN) of the European Commission is a portal and network for policy makers in the field of electronic business. Representatives of all …

e-Business Evaluation

Von einander lernen: Mit dem e-Business Support Network (e-BSN) hat die Europäische Kommission ein Netzwerk für Politik im Bereich des elektronischen Geschäftsverkehrs geschaffen. Im e-BSN tauschen Vertreter aller EU Mitgliedsstaaten …

eHealth Impact

Presently, despite the availability of e-Health systems and services, they are not yet widely used in real-life medical or health situations. A major reason why European and national policy goals …