Skills &
Future of Work

Skills &
Future of Work

With the rise of modern technologies, automation, and artificial intelligence (AI) and a deeper integration in the workplace, the labour market is shifting. This shift not only requires innovation and changes in the development of skills and competencies of employees but also innovations and changes in training programmes, industry, education, and training, to prepare the workforce of the future.

Digital skills

Enables the proficient use of digital tools, devices, and platforms, communication applications, and networks to access and manage information. We support the development of strategies to build a digitally skilled workforce, ensuring that employees have the knowledge and abilities needed to thrive in the digital age.


Lifelong learning

Enables workers to engage in continuous education to keep their skills relevant and up to date. We promote and facilitate lifelong learning, helping employees acquire new skills and adapt to the changing demands of the workplace.


Employment models

Describes the relationship between employers and employees, the organisation of work, compensation of work, and the nature of the employer-employee relationship. We develop strategies for the implementation of innovative employment models that promote flexibility, diversity, and work-life balance while boosting productivity and performance

Work force skills

We identify and develop the critical skills and competencies needed for success in the modern workforce, ensuring that employees are equipped to meet the challenges of the future.

Vocational education and training (VET)

Vocational and educational training is a system of learning that prepares individuals for specific trades. We support the design and implementation of effective VET programs, helping to bridge the gap between education and employment and ensuring a pipeline of skilled workers for industry.

Labour market

We provide in-depth analysis and insights into labour market trends and dynamics, helping to understand the complex landscape of workforce supply and demand.


Diversity embraces individual differences in race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, education, national origin, and all other attributes that make an individual unique. We are committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in the workforce, developing strategies and initiatives that foster a culture of respect, equity, and belonging.



We provide our clients with monitoring, benchmarking, and forecasting of labour market demand and supply related to digital skills and jobs. Our projects and studies on the above topics constitute a basis for policy decision-making for governments and industry partners. We also support national and European standardisation bodies in the development of industry-based certification and quality labels.


Related projects & studies


In service contract for DG CNECT, empirica is building a one-stop-shop Digital Skills and Jobs Platform: As subcontractor of a consortium led by European Schoolnet, we are in charge …

High-Tech Skills for Europe

Under a service contract for the European Commission empirica is going to benchmark public policies and public-private partnerships and make recommendations for scaling up best practices and re-focusing funding programmes …

Digital Transformation

The project is supporting the Mobile World Capital Barcelona (MWCB) in the design and development of a European strategy on “Digital Transformation”, closely aligned with the MWCB approach and roadmap. …

How can we help you?

Our team of experts can advise you on any questions you may have, so please feel free to contact us here!

