In SMARTSPACES, ICT-based services for public buildings have been evaluated in 11 pilots in 8 countries across Europe. Almost 600 buildings were equipped with the ICT-solution. The services are designed to evaluate the impact on overall energy consumption in public buildings (nonresidential). In each pilot site an integrated approach is followed, involving a team of different partners with corresponding skills and expertise working together to successfully implement and operate the different services. Typically, a pilot site team includes one or two municipality stakeholders (Department operating buildings and Council paying the bills), service providers (IT and / or Measurement) responsible for the development and implementation of the web-based services and in some cases energy provider. Lessons learnt are provided for all stakeholders. The SMARTSPACES solution is based on Smart Meters measuring amounts of energy or water flowing through them and capable of communicating the readings autonomously to a centralised server. Two major service categories are distinguished: Energy Decision Support and Awareness (EDSS), which provide all users with greatly enhanced, timely feedback about their energy use, and Energy Management Systems (EMS), enabling selected users (professionals), energy departments, external service providers (ESCOs) and/or energy providers to manage energy consumption in smart ways, leading to greater efficiency and lower GHG emissions. Three user levels are distinguished. Professionals have full access to the building and can manipulate settings of, for instance, heating systems manually or through EMS. Regular users such as staff have access to the service portal being provided with advice on saving energy and statics on energy efficiency improvements. Finally, visitors can see public screens in entry halls. In some cases they are provided with kiosk system or public website with advice on how to replicate energy advice at home. Some sites provide direct communication channels and forums giving any user the opportunity to point out wastage and discuss ways to improve performance.
Awards for the SMARTSPACES project
- National Winner of the Energy Globe Award 2014 (Murcia)
- Featuring in Green Gown Awards 2014 winners brochure (Leicester)
- Cradle to Cradle Price for the region of Venlo (Venlo)
- “Project to Watch” by the United Nations (SMARTSPACES project)
- UN Big Data Climate Challenge competition (Bristol)
- Award by the Ministry of Development, Turkey (Istanbul)
Final Project Report:
Guide for replication: