e-Leadership Skills

Curricula for e-Leadership Skills

Skills & Future of Work








Total Budget
0 M


The GUIDE service contract successfully developed, demonstrated and disseminated European guidelines and quality labels for new curricula fostering e-leadership skills and employment. Focused, actively moderated cooperation with key stakeholders in the consortium and outside in peer reviews, mutual learning workshops and a mutual learning conference took place to ensure the European guidelines and quality labels are effective and sustainable in the marketplace, that they result in an offer of a broad portfolio of quality-assured new curricula fostering an appropriately full range of e-leadership skills and are suitable for the very wide dissemination which will take place. The new curricula are firmly based on market needs and capitalise fully on current best practice researched by the contractor, including in particular multi-stakeholder partnerships, corporate universities and other industry led initiatives. It was accompanied by a thorough analysis of national skills and employment-related policies in these fields and more than 1000 higher and executive education programmes throughout Europe.

An extended, multi-region pilot demonstration of the implementation of the proposed European guidelines and quality labels was organised. The demonstration be flanked by and led into a multi-facetted pan-European dissemination campaign, including 5 mutual learning workshops and 10 regional cluster events in all EU regions with typically three countries targeted in each event. Throughout the duration of the service contract, empirica was supported by national correspondents from the ENIR network in the different European countries.
