Innovation &

Guided by our core values we support decision-makers in driving innovation, improving living and working conditions, and building competitive, sustainable economies that benefit both people and the planet. We drive digitalisation for the public good by harnessing the power of information and innovation.


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We are an independent research and consulting firm that for 35 years has supported innovation, the promotion of R&D projects, and access to funding, contributing to addressing global challenges, especially in Europe.

Our consultants are able to carry out research in all EU countries across a vast range of thematic and policy areas.

With 50 staff in our office in Bonn, we have a fast and wide-reaching network of partners across Europe and beyond, offering additional particular senior expertise.


At empirica, our values are more than just words on a page. They are the guiding principles that shape our work, our relationships, and our impact on the world. We invite you to explore the core beliefs that define who we are and what we stand for:


Empowering People 
We believe in the intrinsic dignity and potential of every individual. Our work is dedicated to empowering people from all walks of life, promoting equality, and protecting the rights and freedoms that allow us to thrive.

Embracing Innovation 
In a rapidly changing world, we know that innovation is the key to unlocking new solutions and driving progress. We foster a culture of creativity, experimentation, and continuous learning, always seeking new ways to tackle the challenges of our time.

Collaborating for Impact
We understand that the most significant challenges we face are too complex for any one organisation to solve alone. That is why we prioritise collaboration and partnership, working across sectors, disciplines, and borders to achieve shared goals and maximise our impact.

Upholding Integrity 
Trust is the foundation of everything we do. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability in all our interactions. We believe that doing the right thing is not just a moral imperative but also a business necessity.

Steering the Future 
As a company, we have a responsibility to help build a better future for all. We strive to be responsible agents of the resources entrusted to us, promoting environmental sustainability, social equity, and inclusive growth. We believe that by doing well, we can also do good.

Leading with Excellence 
We hold ourselves to the highest standards of quality and professionalism in everything we undertake. Our commitment to excellence drives us to constantly improve our skills, our processes, and our results, delivering exceptional value to our clients and stakeholders.


How can we help you?

Our team of experts can advise you on any questions you may have, so please feel free to contact us here!